Thursday, January 7, 2010

[photo seven]

another subway stop photo. i had planned to take a different photo for today. when i shot this one, i knew it was it. so far in the project, i have been taking multiple photos throughout the day and choosing my favorite at the end (with the help of my sweet husband, if i choose to listen to his opinion :).

but today, it was a different story. i shot this photo at 7:30 a.m. and knew it was the one. to keep myself from changing my mind, i uploaded it to flickr at lunch. :) anyone else work the way i do? shoot a few photos to choose from? anyone else have a day like i did today, where you just know the first photo you shot is the one? i hope i have more days like today.


  1. I love this shot. Sometimes you just get it on the first try! You make me miss living in a real city LOL

  2. I would like to say that I snap throughout the day and pick the one I like at the end of the day, but generally I'm getting home from work and trying to figure out what I should shoot before the end of the day.

    I love this shot. Love it.

  3. Really like this one, you have a couple of good ones on your other blog too :-)

    I'm trying to shoot early and through out the day, the last couple of days I haven't gotten too many more then the first one to choose from.

  4. for sure, a keeper!
    I tried to do much as you're doing - try a few shots over the course of a day then choose the best one. But some days were like this - I knew the first one was it.

  5. exactly the same for me some days loads and other days I can take one at seven in the morning and no that that is the shot. love the shot too I think you are so brave with the ones that you take you are inspiring me to be too.

  6. Great angle. I'm like you. I take a few shots as I go through the day and then pic one later on to post. It's amazing what you find to take pictures of!!!!

  7. this one is definitely a great shot! :)
    i love the lighting.
    and i do the same thing...i think up an idea, shoot a bunch if i need to, and pick my favorite.

  8. hey, I love the way you set ur tone in... its lovely... anyway, Im doin 365 too.. check on my side yeh..

  9. Hi - stumbled across your photoblog this morning while looking for other 365 projects. Really like it :)

    I'm doing a 365 for the first time this year and I have found myself working in a similar way - I tend to take a few photos and choose the best, however sometimes I've found *the* shot and upload it as early as possible to stop myself shooting any more.

    That's worked against me a couple of times, when a different shot as presented itself later in the day, but I've took that one too - after all, the reason I'm doing it is to encourage myself to actually use my camera and learn to spot opportunities.

    Keep up the good work!
